City Government
Garrison is run by a mayoral/5 person council.
The Mayor and Council are elected into office with a city election held in odd years. Mayoral term is 2 years and Council term is 4 years. The Council is elected every 2 years on rotation of 2 council/3 council seats.
City Council Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, unless it is a holiday. Then it is usually the Tuesday following. Meetings are held at the Garrison Public Library @ 6 pm. Public is encouraged to attend. If you would like to be on the agenda, please contact the Clerk's Office.
Agendas and Meeting minutes are posted here on the website, at the post office and at the City Office.
Garrison receives its revenue from property taxes based on county valuations (which is only a small percentage of your total property tax), road use taxes, and LOST. We do not get to determine the majority of how much we receive - the county and state does. We can levy for additional funds through the property taxes - these are the only revenues we can determine, as a city. These revenues go into specific funds and can only be spent on certain things. Road taxes for roads, property for general, and LOST can be spent on a variety of things.
We also receive revenue for our utilities that are city run. We have water, sewer and drainage systems. Funds received for these utilities can only be spent on these utilities - water for water, sewer for sewer and drainage for drainage. Funds are not put in one pot to be spent wherever. We are accountable to the State of Iowa for the spending of each fund. Garbage is contracted out to J&R Sanitation.
If you have questions on how things work you may contact the city office or come to a council meeting.